Saturday 30 June 2012

Grow garlic from a single clove

Green Tip # 12: Take a single clove and plant it pointy side upwards and get up to 20 more!

How to make self watering seedlings.

Green Tip #11: Self Watering Seedlings. Find a plastic bottle (2 liter is what I use, but you can use any plastic bottle). Peel off the label on your bottle. I'm not picky about getting all the glue off of my bottle, but I've heard Goo Gone, or nail polish remover will do the trick. Sterilize the bottle with a diluted bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water), swirl the mixture around, and make sure to rinse well afterwards. I have heard of people using hot water, but I don't believe you can get the water hot enough to kill bacteria without melting the plastic. Hot water and plastic also release hazardous BPA's which are not good for us, or our little plants! Cut your bottle about 1/3 from the Neck side. Then trim an additional 2 inches or so from the base side. Your goal is the have the neck of the bottle almost touch the bottom inside the base. The left picture is what you want. The right picture is what it looks like if you do not trim the additional 2 inches. Poke several holes in the bottle near the neck to help water seep into your dirt. Place a strip of paper towel covering the hole near the neck of the bottle to keep dirt from escaping. Fill your base with water about 2 inches from the top. And your top with seed starter.Plant your seeds (anything you want, lettuce, tomatoes, peas to name a few), spray the top of the dirt to get the ball rolling, and place in a sunny south (or west) facing window.
More info at:

Chives make carrots sweeter

Green Tip #10: Plant Chives with your carrots to make your carrots sweeter!

Petunias protect beans from beetles

Green Tip#9: Plant petunias to keep beetles away from your beans!

Marigolds help tomatoes and roses grow better

Green Tip#8: Marigolds help tomatoes and roses grow better!

Save your Geraniums for next spring

Green Tip #7: Want to save those gorgeous geraniums for next spring?? Place geraniums upside down in a box and cover with newspaper and replant in the Spring.

Slug Trap

Green Tip #6: Slug trap... Take an empty tuna can (or whatever you have) and fill it with beer. They LOVE beer but they drown in it :)

All natural and safe pesticide recipe

Green Tip #5: Homemade all natural pesticide recipe: Make your own garlic spray by boiling a pint of water, throw in roughly chopped garlic cloves and steep until the water cools. Remove garlic bits then apply.

Pinch Off Secondary Branches to Make Tomatoes Stunning

Green Tip #4: Pinch off the little "sucker branches" to focus the nutirents too the tomatoes. Suckers are secondary branches that grow in the joints of existing branches. Pinch ‘em off. Suckers take energy away from growing tomatoes. No tomatoes will form on sucker branches.

Epsom Salt Garden Boost

Green Tip#3: Epsom Salt garden boost! 1tsp epsom salt in 4 cup warm water. Spray on plant and then 10 days later. produces more fruit due to boost of magnesium.Tomatoes, peppers and roses love this.

Friday 29 June 2012

Cooking water and your garden

Green Tip #2: The water you use to cook pasta or boil vegetables is full of left over vitamins and nutrients. Instead of throwing it away, let it cool to room temperature and then use it to water you plants. You'll be left with a happier, greener garden.

Sunflowers sweeten Cucumbers

Green Tip #1: Cucumbers are sweeter when planted by sunflowers.

I love it, so I am going to learn it

I love flora. I love the garden. I love the green.
I have always loved and enjoyed what mother earth has to offer. However, I am somewhar naive when it comes to all things green. So here it goes, I am determined to learn and I plan on sharing all my aquired wisdom!!